Applications are now being accepted for the 2023 ASME Chicago Section Scholarship.
You can view the Rules and Application using the links below The Deadline is September 1st, 2023.
ASME Chicago Section Scholarship Application (doc)
ASME Chicago Section Scholarship Guidelines (doc)
The objective of the ASME Chicago Section Scholarship program is to encourage selected students to prepare for a career in Mechanical Engineering, by providing annual grant(s) of up to $2,000 each of financial support per student for up to three students per year. A scholarship is available for a maximum of four years of attendance at an accredited university or college.
My fellow ASME members;
Someday we shall all want to retire and enjoy the fruits of our labors. Toward that goal, we need to plan ahead and perhaps train our replacements to follow in our very large footsteps. You can do that with little effort by helping the next generation of engineers to obtain their engineering education. The ASME –Chicago Section established its affinity Scholarship, available only to immediate family of ASME-Chicago section members, for just that purpose. By making a contribution to the principle of the Scholarship fund, which is separate from the section operating funds, you can make that happen.
Please consider a donation to the Chicago ASME scholarship fund by:
a. funding immediate need,
b. contributing to the endowment of the scholarship program, or
c. both of the above.
• Managers: We need to continually fill the pipeline of engineers graduating into our profession. Small contributions now will pay big dividends later when it comes time to fill positions opening up by retiring employees of your enterprises.
• ASME-Chicago members: Is your son/daughter thinking about becoming a Mechanical Engineer? If so, they could, as an entering freshman or a continuing undergraduate engineering student, apply for the ASME scholarship. Small contributions now yield big dividends for future engineers.
Education reduces the risk of problems associated with poverty; engineers solve problems and design products and systems that improve the quality of life. Please invest in educating future engineers and join me in contributing to the Chicago ASME Scholarship fund.
Please make all checks payable to Chicago Chapter ASME Scholarship Fund, and mail them to:
Tom Peterson
Chicago Section Treasurer.
807 W. Catino Street
Arlington Heights, Il 60005
When making a contribution, please provide your name and USPS and/or electronic address. The section will send a thank you letter to document your contribution to ASME, a non profit organization under the IRS code at section 501(c)3 (Tax Deductible).
Thank you in advance for your consideration and/or contribution.
Very truly yours,
Steve Slowik Section Chair
ASME Scholarship Development Team